Is it Time for some Spring Cleaning at Work?
4/26/2022 (Permalink)

When spring cleaning comes to mind, we usually think it is in regards to our homes, but our office or job sites can benefit from a bit of extra attention as well. Our workplaces are our second homes because of the great amount of time we spend there each day. Our productivity and inspiration can be affected if clutter starts to visually collect around us and our allergies can act up right around springtime if dust has built up in keyboards, computers, windowsills, corners, behind furniture, and under rugs.
If you have time to set aside and allocate towards a deep cleaning endeavor, that’s wonderful but most of us have such a large workload that we can only chip away at tasks in short increments. A beneficial way to tackle these jobs is to set a 15-30 minute timer and do as much as you can during that time frame. By the end of the week, you will have completed quite a lot and will greatly benefit from your progress.
Disinfect - Since the beginning of the pandemic we all are more cognoscente of the importance of disinfecting high touch-point and common areas which is an excellent habit to maintain. Phones, keyboards, doorknobs, light switches, water cooler knobs, coffee machine buttons, etc. can all be quickly addressed with a disinfecting wipe.
Organize – A virtual cleanup of our desktop screen, organizing files, and email inbox will freshen up your visual clutter. A change of scenery by replacing your screen background is a great idea too. Dusting and then sprucing up your desk, cleaning drawers, and wiping chords and anything under the desk will help. Decluttering takes an objective eye but if you mentally prepare to toss, donate, or take home things it can make a huge difference. Minimizing personal items and things collected all year long will give you a clean slate. A clean space feels so good and the sooner you get started the more productive your workday can be.
Many times while going through the deeper cleaning process, you come across dead insects or piles of dust bunnies wrapped in hair. What a relief to get these things cleared out so you can breathe fresher air. If you discover some water staining on the ceiling, a leak under a sink, or any moldy patches, give our team a call. We can professionally evaluate the circumstance and make the needed recommendations to keep your surroundings optimal for the remaining portion of the work year.